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How to earn money from Instagram in 2021

How to earn money from Instagram in 2021 Hi everyone today you are going to know how we can make money online out of instagram ? and how we ...

How to earn money from Instagram in 2021

Hi everyone today you are going to know how we can make money online out of instagram ? and how we can build a business online with instagram what's nice about this is that anyone can start with this business from any country and you can do this only using your mobile phone ,so no one has an excuse it's free from mobile and from any country worldwide.  I don't want to waste your time let's go straight to the point how simply to make money out of instagram. We have mainly two strategies direct and indirect in my case I use indirect strategy and I will show you how and why in a little bit. What are direct methods 

Simply we have affiliate marketing which is promoting products and services for someone else and you will earn a commission whenever you get a sale. I talked about affiliate marketing   a lot here on my website and one of the best traffic sources simply is instagram as an example you can add link of your affiliate site or channel in your bio and can post pictures with product and their links in captions. Now a small advice if you  want to promote affiliate products it's better to create a page that talks about a specific niche. 

As an example if you want to promote digital marketing products create a page about business and marketing and then promote digital products if you want to promote maybe something related   to fitness and health create a page about fitness and health and then you can promote fitness and health products and so on so number one is affiliate marketing and getting traffic   from instagram to your affiliate links number two is simply promoting your products it may be a digital product or it may be a physical product. If you are selling with instagram maybe you can sell flowers, sell food whatever you are doing sell your diy stuff anything you can promote with instagram.

Number two

Is simply shout outs and sponsorship. I will repeat now somehow fast simply you can   publish a post for other pages and you will get paid for this post as an example like $40, $60 per post and this really very important and a lot of people just work like this on instagram   using shout outs they shout out every day like for two or three pages and they make like $100, $150 per day what you need is an active instagram account so these are the main three direct methods   shout outs and sponsorships affiliate marketing and promoting your products and services   the indirect method which I use is simply brand awareness and promoting my business and growing online so in my case if you see here my instagram account i publish motivational quotes i publish educational posts like this one tips for freelancers so i don't publish anything   to promote directly my products or courses or services or whatever I simply grow using   instagram I give value in my account so people will follow me and see what I am posting. I'm promoting also my websites through my instagram account. So these are mainly the methods to make money and build a business out of instagram to sum it up direct methods affiliate marketing shout outs and promoting products your products and indirect methods by growing your business and brand awareness it's somehow simple.

Let's shortly talk about how to get views on your Instagram posts so more people can reach on your products. You can use one easy method which is by creating trending hashtags and you can generate these hastags easily on google there are many websites which provide tools to generate popular hashtags.

I hope you would have learnt something today, If you have any questions let me know by commenting in comment section. Share this with your friends.

Allah Hafiz


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