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Blogger | How to Write blog content quickly in 2021 ( Full method ) | Easy way to write seo friendly blog post

Blogger | How to Write blog content quickly in 2021 ( Full method ) | Easy way to write seo friendly blog post In today's article I will...

Blogger | How to Write blog content quickly in 2021 ( Full method ) | Easy way to write seo friendly blog post

In today's article I will show you how to write blog content quickly. Writing content for your blog is an amazing way to get traffic and to make sales and to build your email list. I'm gonna tell you in this article. How you can create similar blog posts very very fast when it comes down to creating content you have. 
Got two options you can write your content yourself and i'm here right now on one of our blogs and we created a lot of this content ourselves it takes time the second option of course is to outsource your content so pay someone else.
Pay another writer to write content for you and we're doing that a lot with our travel content as well and that costs anywhere from 15 to 20 dollars for every 1000 words so many of these articles cost sort of 40 to 60 dollars per article so you either have to do this yourself generally or you have to outsource but there is actually a third way and that's what I want to talk to you about today I want to talk to you about this software that is called create. This tool allows you to very quickly and automatically create content. 
Now what I love about this is that it is very fast you literally just give a couple of starting pointers to the software to create article and it will produce the content for you. So let's just do this together i am inside this dashboard so you just need to click this little plus sign to create a new article and you will need to select a few different options so there are different article types you've got standard you've got q a and you've got freestyle so we'll just go with standard article niche there are a few different issues that you can choose and let's just say we want to publish an article in the health niche then we need to choose sub niche so let's say i want to publish an article dedicated to diets i would choose the weight loss subcategory here language okay so you've got a number of different languages in which you can write it i'm just going to go with english for now and then you can choose how many articles you'd like to generate you can allocate a folder if you want to stay organized here of course as well and now what you need to do next is choose the starting prompt for the starting prompt what i found works really well is for you to enter perhaps two or three sentences that will kind of serve as the guideline for exactly what create should then write the article about so let's say i wanted to produce an article on the benefits of keto diet i would then exactly start with that as a starting prompt i would write all right so i've just paused it and i've written these as the study three sentences benefits of keto diet keto diet can help you lose weight and become healthier learn how to start with the keto diet in this guide and now we're going to click start and create will take a couple of minutes generally sort of anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes to produce this article for you so i'm going to pause the video and then we'll come back and see what it has actually written for our starting prompt all right guys so it's been a couple of minutes i've just come back to my computer and the article has been written so you can take a look at the results right here and the article is actually quite good so we can see the title it's just taken the first sentence so that's not a big deal you can always come back and change the title but look at the quality of the content that has actually written i'm going to pause it here so that you can actually take a look but it's understood that i'm trying to come up with like a list of benefits so it has put together an intro sentence it can be hard to start your ketogenic diet however after the first few days i can assure you it will be easier and then it's actually listed all the benefits it's listed it helps to lose excess body weight and a little bit about that helps to become healthier and a bit about that increase energy and a bit about that um it helps to have a more balanced life happier healthier life okay and then it's written a little bit of a conclusion here by adding some foods to your diet that will help slow down the absorption etc so it's actually written reasonably good content and if you are the type of content creator who actually struggles with coming up with some ideas you can at least base your content on this you know you can get the software to write a few articles for you for example you can just sort of let's say if you're writing a big guide on the keto diet you can get it to write a few different ones for and then put together from the different pieces you can put together your own article perhaps you might need to edit the content a little bit because of course this is just a computer writing this content it's not um a human writing so it can't be perfect but it can give you an awesome start with your content and it honestly takes just like uh 20 seconds of your time to write this intro then you walk away then you come back and your article is complete so it's a really awesome solution now the big question of course is will it pass copyscape is this just content that's been ripped off from somewhere so let's take a look i'm just going to copy and paste the article that we just got all right i've copied and pasted you can see that's the article and let's go ahead and copyscape is the premium solution to check the plagiarism to check for copies of the content online so i'm going to click here premium search and we shall see what it's done for us here and as you can see it's saying no results found for the text that you pasted so this basically means that there are no duplicate versions of this article anywhere online it means that the content is 100 unique so you can paste it onto your blog and incorporate into your blog post and you're not going to incur any uh penalties for stealing someone else's content or anything like that this is all 100 unique content so if you guys think this is going to be useful for you this software that will allow you to very quickly and easily create blog content to write blog posts to write articles for your blog or maybe even create articles for others for a certain amount of money if you want to be an author you can click the link in the description below and you will see the link to a sales page that will look similar to this okay you can see that it's a new artificially intelligent web app that writes perfectly readable content for you in any major niche in under 90 seconds and this is unique content of course so it's going to be 100 unique the page here talks of course about the pain of writing content we all really need content but no one really loves creating content right and outsourcing content comes with its own nightmares which is of course the price okay so you may be able to get a cheaper price than what joshua the creator of the product says here i i currently pay about 40 to 50 dollars for a 2000 word article but still you know there are a lot of content writers out there that are a lot more expensive than this so that's kind of like your options here and this is where create really comes into play this software here because and you can watch the demo here as well on the sales page okay to to see sort of more examples of exactly how how it works but here on the page you can also find examples of other articles so you've seen the example that i've given you and some of the other examples that i've produced as i've been testing this software but here are all the other examples that you can see right there on the sales page and this is all you're going to have to do once you get create it's log into the dashboard tell create what niche you want your content in as we did together earlier in the demo and then you basically just take the content you copy it you may need to edit it of course before you put it onto your blog but at least i would say that it's like 70 to 80 percent done you will just need to edit it slightly as you're uploading it onto your site perhaps add some images to it as well this here is a list of all the niches in which you can write the content in but i have tried quite a few different issues that weren't on the list and they also seem to work really really well within this content and they also seem to work really really well in this software so how can you actually use this content that it produces well the most obvious one is to put it onto your blog target some good keywords and you can rank your content for some good commissions all right you can rank your content and of course sell your products and services as well so if any of you who are watching this have got your own stores or you're selling your own products then this could help you get more traffic you can also rank content for clients to get them more business so if you're involved in a service type industry or a service agency you can do that for your customers you can sell content writing as a service for quick cash so for example if you go into uh iwriter or text broke and you register as a writer you can use this software to produce content once again it does most of the work for you might just need to come back and edit it a little bit so to take a look at all of these just check the link in the description below this video to grab create it will be available for a one-time pricing for a limited amount of time after this video goes live so uh just check the link if you still see that it's available for a one-time price then you can get this deal and you can use it for as long as you want to create all the content you might possibly need and if you want to learn more about blogging and affiliate marketing don't forget that i've just started caffeinated affiliate club where you can start for just one dollar today where i provide you with weekly done-for-you keywords with traffic and affiliate training as well as coaching and mentoring so the links for that will be in the description below as well thank you so much for watching here are a couple of articles that I recommend you watch next check all the links in the given at the top of my website for everything that we talked about in this article and subscribe to my youtube channel if you're not yet a subscriber by clicking this button here on the screen as well thank you so much for reading. I'll see you in the next article. 

1 comment

  1. This was really an interesting topic and I kinda agree with what you have mentioned here! content writing
